PURE Ministries is an organization focused on“awakening“ everyday Christians to the needs and joys of knowing PURE people around them. PURE Ministries is people dedicated to ministering the grace of Jesus Christ to children, adolescents and adults with special needs, as well as their families. PURE Ministries reaches out to anyone whose daily life is impacted by a physical, intellectual, emotional, or medical disability. Realizing that in most world cultures (including the United States), when children are born or become physically, emotionally, intellectually, and/or medically disabled, their lives and the lives of their family are destined to be far more difficult, different, and challenging than the average person realizes and comprehends. As typical people live their daily lives, concerned with and focused on their own individual worlds, there are people with special needs and families all around them struggling just to survive.
Believing that God is the creator and sustainer of the universe and all that is in it, PURE Ministries believes that there are no mistakes or surprises with God. Further, we believe that each individual created by God is fashioned just as He pleases and for His purposes and glory.
Though in a sense all “typical” people are also “disabled” in some way or another, PURE Ministries views opportunities to minister to PURE people as a blessing, not a burden. People with special needs are inherently blessed in very special ways by God, and it is the unique privilege of those who get to know them at a deeper level to see God’s grace manifested in them. Ministry to special needs people always results in extraordinary and, in most cases, total life changing blessing to those who minister – the grace of God is never more real.
This ministry is biblically based and is foundationally and operationally “Christian”. Though only individuals can truly be Christian – Christ died for people and only people can be saved, not organizations – PURE Ministries is based and operated on Christian principles.
The mission and vision of PURE Ministries is to be the arms of Jesus in helping Christians minister to children, adolescents and adults with special needs along with their families as unto the Lord – in grace, informing others of the need, enabling personal and corporate involvement, and being true friends as we minister.
Established on the truth and commands of scripture, the vision of PURE Ministries is simply to help Christians, both individually and corporately, demonstrate
the love of Jesus Christ to all people in need, regardless of their beliefs.