
2013 – Spring Newsletter

2013 Spring PUREMattersNewsletter – PDF

Excerpt from “A Better Way: Where Least is Most”

  Below is an excerpt from my new book, “A Better Way: Where Least is Most”. I think the message of the book will challenge us all in the way we think – I know it did me in writing it!  You can order a paperback copy of the book on…

Respite is Vital for Families Affected by Disability

Respite care is a short break for parents and/or caregivers of individuals with disabilities. It provides time for rest, relaxation, relationship building and recharging. Daily activities that so many people take for granted can be incredibly difficult or even impossible for  parents/caregivers of children or adults with disabilities. Grocery shopping,…

Who is missing from your church?

Many churches talk about “unreached people groups” who do not have access to the Good News about God’s love for them, His plan for their lives and his redemptive sacrifice. We pray for God to bring His word to them, we give to mission organizations with this mission and some…