Finding & Keeping Passionate Volunteers
Posted on July 14, 2015
It is a universal need. It doesn’t matter how BIG or small your ministry. I imagine that many churches experience a trend in the cycle of recruiting volunteers for PURE ministry. It probably goes something like this…
Phase 1: FEAR
The most common comment I’ve heard when recruiting for ministry to people affected by disability is that they “aren’t trained” for that kind of thing. While this is a valid concern, I always assure people that if that is the case they are starting at precisely the same place I did 14 years ago when I brought my son home from the hospital. I had no idea that I would become an “expert” and advocate for special needs ministry that cold January day in 2001.
Those fears are real, but the good news is – training can be provided.
Once the idea of PURE ministry has been communicated to a church in an effective and passionate way, the result is usually a surge of passionate volunteers ready and willing to partner in ministry. This is a great stage of the ministry but not without its complications. For instance, you usually find yourself needing the following resources at this stage:
- Easy to implement training resources for new volunteers
- Simple communication tools that enable you to process information from new families
- Readily available promotional materials to help you market your ministry
These things are available, but can seem daunting when faced collectively.
This is sometimes referred to as “volunteer burnout.” This usually means that somewhere along the path of ministry a volunteer has encountered one or more situations that have discouraged them and decreased their initial passion for ministry. Common factors include:
- A feeling of lack of training for their tasks in special needs ministry
- Lack of communication about their role in the ministry
- Changing or evolving roles in the ministry they feel unable to maintain
- General life changes that prevent them from fulfilling their ministry (such as job change, birth or a child, illness, etc.)
At this point, many ministry leaders find themselves back at Phase 1 feeling defeated and discouraged.
Dear ministry leader, know that you are not alone! Regardless of type of ministry (Sunday school, respite, etc.) or size of church – all of us experience these phases. It is not necessarily reflective of your leadership capability. But there may be a few things you can do to help you move through these phases more confidently and with more joyful expectation of the Lord’s presence. We suggest you try these strategies for a healthy PURE ministry recruiting strategy:
Develop a Prayer Team
Ask just a few people to pray for areas in the ministry as you become aware of needs. Specify that this will not be a subliminal “call to arms” and you do not expect them to fulfill the needs they will hear. Just ask for a few people to lift you up in prayer as a leader who is in the continual process of recruiting partners for ministry.
Acknowledge the Truth
Here it is….the nasty truth is that recruitment is ongoing. It never needs to stop. If you have developed a mindset that tells you that you can conduct one recruitment campaign every 18 months or so and then forget about it again, stop. Because your volunteers will endure changes in life, your ministry will endure those same changes. Volunteers will come and go. And hey – your ministry may even grow requiring more volunteers than you previously anticipated! Recruiting never ends.
Equip your Toolbox for Recruiting Passionate Partners
This is where we at PURE Ministries love to step in and help! Check out these resources for helping you build a toolbox for effective recruiting and communication:
Every Child Welcome…This amazing resource from our friends Katie Wetherbee & Jolene Philo is proving to be a key resource in equipping and reviving ministry leaders! Check out a review of this book by another buddy of ours Dr. Steve Grcevich at Be sure to browse other articles on his blog while you are there!
Listen in as our Executive Director, Vangie Rodenbeck, interviews one of the most passionate recruiters in the world Harmony Hensley on Shaping Special Hearts! Don’t miss this discussion about how to learn the obstacles to recruiting and keeping passionate ministry partners! The interview airs live on July 14th at noon eastern time at
Check out this great post at The Inclusive Church for an inspirational article and more information about Recruiting and Training Special Needs Ministry Volunteers along with tons of ideas for a Sunday dedicated to sharing your vision.
And, as always, stay tuned to PURE Ministries for more resources that we pray will provide you with the tools you need to recruit and keep the most passionate partners in ministry! And let us hear from you…tell us what else you need for your toolbox and we will begin researching for you!